My Approach

I help you to develop a balanced lifestyle and feel comfortable in your skin. Without obsessing about food and exercise, so that you can live to your fullest everyday.

I help women create a balanced lifestyle to truly feel comfortable in their own skin. Without obsessing about food and exercise, so they can live to their fullest every day.

You might be feeling frustrated, stuck, angry and blaming yourself. After many years of struggling with diets, food, body image or your weight. Or maybe you are dreading what is actually a natural part in a woman’s life. Menopause? Or you are struggling to understand why you have brain fog, can’t sleep or have put on weight?

Maybe you are just tired of feeling tired and fatigued and want to regain energy to live a full life and do things you want to do.

I completely understand.

I want you to know there are hundreds of women just like you struggling with these health challenges and looking for another “diet” to find the cure. It just doesn’t work like that.

You know that. I know that. 

Hi, I’m Cristie. Your Holistic Health Coach. I have been helping clients just like you since 2009.

My mission is to help women battling with these health conditions and then making themselves wrong about it. To help women to understand what’s going on with their bodies and how to deal with troublesome symptoms not to just drop in size, feel better, or be fit — but really empower themselves to have a life-long health and live in a skin they love living in every single day.

If you are ready to get rid of the compulsion to be always “fixing” your body, free yourself from the expectation of the society and taboos around women’s body and radically shifting to feeling empowered and kind to yourself – Take the next step with me.

10 Keys to 10kgs

12 week Programme


3 week Programme

Sick of being on the diet hamster wheel? 

Or perhaps you are sick of chasing the perfect body which is neither realistic or healthy. 

You want to achieve natural wellness for your body and soul but not sure where to start. 

Take my Holistic Lifestyle Quiz to find out what you need to address first.

Enter your name and email to get started right away.